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Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment

Peter Macfarlane and Associates S.A. is one of a very few professional firms worldwide to be appointed an authorized agent of the Deputy Commisioner of Financial Services under the Republic of Vanuatu’s new Capital Investment Immigration Plan.
CIIP is a new kind of economic citizenship or citizenship-by-investment programme, designed to stimulate sustainable economic growth in this island nation. At the moment, applicants can qualify for citizenship and a new passport in as little as 1-2 months based on a one-time, non-refundable investment in government bonds and purchase of a Vanuatu offshore company that they must retain for at least seven years. A short visit to the country is also required, although this can be done after citizenship and passports are granted. The total investment required is US$ 260,000 plus our firm’s professional fees, which qualifies a whole family for citizenship.
Later, there will other options allowing applicants to qualify based on a shortened period of residence for a lower investment, or for real estate purchase or investment in a business that generates employment for other Vanuatu citizens. These options are still under discussion and the enabling legislation has not yet been passed. However, the Vanuatu government are very serious about the CIIP as they have recently made amendments to their constitution to allow for it.

We at Peter Macfarlane and Associates are particularly excited to be involved from the very beginning in the development of this tool for the people of Vanuatu and for all freedom lovers worldwide. Vanuatu’s is the first citizenship-by-investment programme that is more within the ambit of booming Asia than the Americas – something we consider very significant for our clients, many of whom are looking for return to a more old-fashioned, stable and traditional lifestyle away from the overregulation of North America and Europe.

As of May 2015, Vanuatu citizens now benefit from visa free entry to the European Union, regarded as the gold standard for well-run citizenship programmes.

If you are interested in finding out more about Vanuatu’s Capital Investment Immigration Plan and whether it is right for your family, please contact us. The best way is to contact us initially via the contact form and schedule a confidential call with Peter Macfarlane, Mark Olsson or one of the team.